6 minutes, HD video, 2012
25x25 cm, on-going sculpture (plant, das clay, flowerpot), 2012
Tevilah (immersion)
4:31 minutes, HD Video, 2011
Tahara (purity)
8x8 cm each, Bedikah cotton cloths, red permanent marker, 2011
5 channel video installation, 4:15 minutes, loop, 2010
For the first 3 minutes of the video loop, the four men on the screens are speaking about how and why they would have sex with me. For the remaining 1:15 minutes, the men gaze silently towards the wall on the left, at which point the fifth video begins: Alex Ansky, a famous Israeli actor and radio broadcaster, is enacting a confession-like sexual text. The Hebrew language has both male & female form in its verbs. The text being said by Ansky is in female form.
For the first 3 minutes of the video loop, the four men on the screens are speaking about how and why they would have sex with me. For the remaining 1:15 minutes, the men gaze silently towards the wall on the left, at which point the fifth video begins: Alex Ansky, a famous Israeli actor and radio broadcaster, is enacting a confession-like sexual text. The Hebrew language has both male & female form in its verbs. The text being said by Ansky is in female form.
Play Me
20x140x100 cm, Inkjet print on a light box, 2010
The print is a still from a Pornographic video found online. The video shows female ejaculation ("squirting"). The frame, capturing the moment of the ejaculation, was filmed at a low angle .It is exhibited in a light box and placed on the floor of the gallery, giving the viewer a high angle.
The print is a still from a Pornographic video found online. The video shows female ejaculation ("squirting"). The frame, capturing the moment of the ejaculation, was filmed at a low angle .It is exhibited in a light box and placed on the floor of the gallery, giving the viewer a high angle.
140X30X30 cm, mixed media, 2010